Multi-site Maintenance Management

Manages preventive and corrective maintenance activities for multi-site operations or distributed networks. Uses specific platforms for each type of user to upload task scheduling, assign them and track their execution all in one place. Measures team productivity and perform data-driven continuous improvement.


Impact and benefits

Improves compliance with SLAs, avoiding fines.
Ensures effective scheduled activity implementation, according to established protocols.
Optimizes resource allocation in accordance with customer-defined rules.
Reduces the workload for back-office staff.
Reacts in real time to any contingency.
Improves inventory management and control, maximizing input use and reducing losses.
Optimizes fleet utilization.
Performs data analytics for continuous optimization of processes.

Tutenlabs products useds


We apply our multi-site maintenance management solution to the following industries.

Industrial production - Tutenlabs
Retail - Tutenlabs
Health - Tutenlabs
Mass consumption - Tutenlabs
Maintenance Services - Tutenlabs
Utilities and telecommunications - Tutenlabs
Education - Tutenlabs


Equans Chile


Equans, a world leader in multi-technical installation and maintenance services, was looking for a tool to optimize the management of its operations in Santiago de Chile.


Tutenlabs´ Facility and Asset Management solution was implemented, under the following functionalities:

  • Automatic scheduling and tasks assignment
  • Fleet management module
  • Inventory control
  • Tracks job statuses in real-time using a mobile application for field teams.
  • A maintenance management pilot program was implemented for the Santiago metro stations.


  • 400 work orders processed per month.
  • 58 active crews managed through the Platform.
  • Increased productivity and compliance with SLAs.
Equans Chile

Smartly manage your processes

Request a demo of the platform adapted to your business. With Tutenlabs you can build up your own software to improve your efficiency and processes.

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